How to Crack an Interview in
2022 – 5 Tips
to Remember
Congratulations on getting an interview in this hyper-competitive world of glossy CVs. Now comes the tricky part where you have to crack one or several rounds of interviews to win an opportunity to work with the company.
We have listed for you some basic, but often neglected, interview hacks that can easily help you get your dream job.
1. Memorize your Resume
Sometimes we use the same resume for months or get professional help to improve our resume. Always be aware of the information that you have put down on your resume so that if you are quizzed based on your resume, you are not left stumped or fail to remember details of your duties/achievements in your past company.
2. Back your claims with Data
When you speak about your contribution to past companies, always back it up with data for maximum impact. For instance, if you are a salesperson who brought a million dollars in revenue to the company, do remember to mention by just how much percentage did the revenue increase because of your efforts. “I was a top-performing salesperson in XYZ company. I broke all records when I brought in a revenue of 1 Million dollars from ABC territory, which was an extraordinary 42% growth over the previous year’s sale”. Not only are you sharing a number here, but by mentioning the percentage, you are cutting a clear picture of the impact that you created in your past organisation.
3. Prepare answers to possible Questions
Rehearsing for an interview is very critical. When you read a job profile, be sure to make a list of all the relevant questions that a prospective employer is likely to ask. Rehearsing answers ensures that you do not miss out on any important detail which may be pivotal in landing you the job. Preparing answers to difficult questions also allows you to sway the interview your way. For example, you can explain a gap year in your employment by emphasizing how the professional courses that you undertook during the gap year would come in handy in your next job or how your failed startup taught you important business lessons.
4. Prepare Questions for the Company
You must read the company’s website thoroughly so that you can ask questions of your own. These questions could pertain to the company’s growth, their recent strategic decisions or questions about your profile. Asking good questions shows gumption, comprehension, intelligence and enthusiasm.
5. Dress for the Interview
No matter which position you have applied to, remember to dress appropriately for the interview. How your dress and conduct yourself leaves a lasting impression on the interviewer.